40th Anniversary Company Party Cookout

Last Sunday was the annual cookout for the employees of my Dad’s companies. Since this year also marks the 40th anniversary of his trucking company, Mom & I decided to use that as our “theme”and keep things more simple than last years luau theme.

I wanted to do something special for my parents because they do a lot for me and my dad is a huge inspiration to me. I kept everything a surpise to make it even more special. Mom knew I was doing something but I never elaborated on the details.

To honor the trucking company, I made a dump truck and the number “40”, symbolizing the anniversary, out of moss. I also made a truck with a lowbed and a loader out of flowers. I definitely didn’t want to forget certain details so I made numbers out of gold beads to attach to the trucks since gold is the color of them on the actual trucks. The “2” is also symbolic since it is the first truck my father ever bought and the one that started it all.

It was a lot of time and many bouts of pain and fights with a glue gun, but so worth it just to see their faces when they first saw everything. Dad arrived as I was putting the finishing touches on the truck & loader and he was beyond impressed, and then when he realized that I used real flowers he was simply amazed. I was so happy to do this for them as it was a way of showing my appreciation for them and a thank you for just being the wonderful people that they are. I think my brothers appreciated it too.

So … A blister from a burn on the glue gun, a whole lot of sheet moss and 500 flowers (FYI that’s a lot of stems to cut when you first receive them!), and this is what I came up with.

Moss Dump Truck
Moss Dump Truck & “40”

Truck & Loader Flowers
Truck & Front End Loader made of fresh flowers

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