Birthday Party Red Sox Style

My youngest son is one of my biggest allies when it comes to planning a party.  He definitely indulges me and always gives me a great theme to work with.  This year I thought I had him sold on a cowboy theme but he decided that just wasn’t it.  Instead he decided he wanted a Red Sox party.  Now he is a huge Red Sox fan and honestly I think that’s an understatement.  He loves baseball and knows more about each team than I can even comprehend.  As I started to play with ideas in my head I realized I could really have fun with this!

Among his requests were that everyone played a whiffle ball game – kids versus adults and Red Sox attire was pretty much mandatory.  Well the whiffle ball game ultimately made me decide that I really needed to incorporate some key elements of Fenway Park into this party. I was determined to turn my parents back yard into a mini Fenway Park!

Guests received ticket style invitations featuring David Ortiz and they came out awesome!  I found those on eBay from Magic Design Invitations, they were perfect.  They definitely set the tone and everyone got the hint to wear their Red Sox gear.   Food included peanuts, popcorn, hot dogs and my personal favorite – italian sausages with peppers & onions, which in my book is a must when I visit Fenway.
Below are some images from the party.  You can visit our Facebook page for more images.

The life size wall graphics were a hit with kids and adults alike!
David Ortiz & Kevin Youkilis were on the other wall.  These were so realistic that I got mad at myself for making one dirty and then realized it was part of the graphic.


birthday party red sox
Cookies in the shape of jerseys, baseballs and a square featuring the “B” logo were delicious!  Cookie Creatives by Jennifer impressed once again!


My youngest son is one of my biggest allies when it comes to planning a party.  He definitely indulges me and always gives me a great theme to work with.  This year
The metal bucket kept all the favors together


My youngest son is one of my biggest allies when it comes to planning a party.  He definitely indulges me and always gives me a great theme to work with.  This year
Favor bags included Cracker Jacks and Red Sox themed silly bandz,
tattoos, pez and m & m’s


My youngest son is one of my biggest allies when it comes to planning a party.  He definitely indulges me and always gives me a great theme to work with.  This year
Mini batting helmets were perfect for the “Make your own sundae”
bar and went well with the cake featuring the Red Sox logo.


My youngest son is one of my biggest allies when it comes to planning a party.  He definitely indulges me and always gives me a great theme to work with.  This year
Green Monster scoreboard – handpainted by me.  It was huge and my back hated me for it, but everyone loved it, even the surprise guest!


My youngest son is one of my biggest allies when it comes to planning a party.  He definitely indulges me and always gives me a great theme to work with.  This year
Wally was the surprise guest!  Thankfully I kept his appearance a secret since a week before the party my lil guy ended up in a cast (which was red for the Red Sox) and couldn’t swim or play ball.  Wally saved the day and he also signed his cast!


My youngest son is one of my biggest allies when it comes to planning a party.  He definitely indulges me and always gives me a great theme to work with.  This year
The birthday boy’s reaction upon seeing Wally.

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